The day, “March
11th”, has come again. It means two years have passed since the
Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
“It was sad.
It was tough.” Were there only those feeling with two years? No, even then,
there were definitely moments of “happiness and fun”.
I would like
to introduce the tale and determination of one resident who is struggling with
the reality after two years since the disaster.
Mrs. A:
When the earthquake struck on March 11th,
I was driving back home from Rifu town (neighboring town of Shichigahama).
Suddenly, I felt being swayed from side to side, I was startled. I stopped the
car and curled up. It was a very long shaking. Soon after, I headed home. I
thought my house had collapsed, but it was still standing. Everything was all
right except a flower vase which had fallen down in the entrance hall. Outside,
the major tsunami warning sirens wailed.
Looking back now, I think I was in a panic
already at that time. I had thought my husband and I should run together, but I
said to him to go separately, thinking we would need our cars (we had two
cars). “You can go ahead. Go to Chuo Kominkan (the central public hall).” I
don’t know why I had told him to go to an evacuation center which was far away.
(We usually went to a nearby elementary school during emergency drills.) I assumed
that even if the tsunami came, it would not reach up to floor level. I got our
family mortuary tablet, blankets and medicines from my house and tried to
leave, but I couldn’t, because the steering wheel was locked. I must’ve been in
a panic because I couldn’t unlock it, though I usually could do it easily. I got
out and stood looking around, even though it was very cold and snowing heavily.
My neighbor came over and unlocked the steering wheel for me saying, “What are
you doing? Run now.”
I didn’t go
to either the Chuo Kominkan or the elementary school. Instead, I went to my
friend’s house on higher ground where the tsunami would not reach. On my way, I
shuddered seeing the encroaching waters. I tried to make calls but they would
not go through at that time. Later in the afternoon, I could reach my husband
and daughter and I told them to meet me at the evacuation center in the elementary
school. As there were so many people already, we stayed in our car for two nights.
All we received was only one small rice ball for each of us.
Afterwards, we moved to our relative’s house
in Tagajo City (neighboring town of Shichigahama). We stayed there only for
about one week. While we were there, our family was assigned “water duty”, so
we went around many places looking for water. Then we moved to my parent’s home
in Rifu. Since we moved to Tagajo, three days after the earthquake occurred, we
had often visited our house in Shichigahama. Once when I was still staying at the
evacuation center, I went and looked at my house and thought, “You are really strong
to have endured the tsunami. How remarkable! We will come back to live there,
so let’s hang in there.”
Actually, though, our house was far from
being livable. A utility pole and debris were stuck in our house. My husband,
my daughter and I cleaned up inside of our house while about 10 neighbors took
care of the outside. Then, in June, we won the lottery and finally started to
live in temporary housing.
In August, we
installed new window glass in our house to prevent burglars from entering.
After we moved to temporary housing, we rarely visited our house anymore. I
don’t know why, but it might be because we could see the sea from the house. By
September, we started to face the reality. “We still have 10 years remaining on
our housing loan. We also need money to repair the house. We aren’t feeling well
because of living in the temporary housing.” I felt depressed and was so worried
about our future that I even blurted out, “Why didn’t the tsunami just wash me away?
Maybe it would’ve been better to die if life is going to be so tough.” My
daughter just agreed with me.
If I didn’t
meet the volunteers just at that time, I don’t know what could have happened to
me. It started with volunteers who played with my grandchildren. As the
temporary housing unit was very small, children felt stressed, too. I heard from
some children about the volunteers who lived nearby and played with them. I initially
visited the volunteers to thank them for playing with the children. But I
unintentionally ended up talking about myself a lot. Once I had spoken, I felt refreshed.
I felt like something which had been stuck in my heart went away.
To tell the
truth, I used to be cautious about the volunteers because I had been warned
that some were not good. But after that talk, my impression of them changed
completely. I decided to ask them to help clean up my house. I went to the
volunteer center right away to make the request. As a result, they cleaned up
our house very nicely. I really appreciate it.
Thanks to them, we will move out of temporary housing and start to live in our
house again at the end of April.
But still, we
are worried about our future.
Reported by Akitsugu Goko,
Rescue Stock Yard
Originally reported in
Japanese on 14 March, 2013